February 21, 2010

Avalanche Awareness Weekend - Mar 12 - 14


Join us March 12 – 14, 2010 for a weekend of fun and learning at Altoona Ridge Lodge.  The weekend will focus on the basics of safe backcountry travel and gear use.  We will cover topics from Routefinding to Avalanche Assessment to Trip Planning and Preparation.  The trip includes all your food and snowmobile shuttles to and from the Lodge, and every guest is welcome in the sauna at the end of the day.  The course is limited to 8 participants so act fast!  The course costs $199 before March 5th, $249 in the last week.

February 13, 2010

Denison and Eric Find Pow in the Dryspell

Owner, Denison von Maur, and Altoona guide, Eric Dawson, made a trip to the Lodge last weekend to explore and try to find some powder during Montana's continued dry spell.  They were fortunate to find some great snow just behind the Lodge.  There are still openings this season, come up and let us lead you to some pow stashes of your own.

February 1, 2010

Avalanche Level 2, Jackson, WY

I just got back from my Level 2 avi course in Jackson, WY.  They got hit hard with a big storm right before my arrival.  This made for excellent skiing at Grand Targhee and Jackson Hole before the course started.  It also made for very interesting snow to look at during the course.   The Jackson area usually sees an intermountain snowpack, but this year they have been dealing with a Continental pack, similar to Colorado.  This makes for some very persistent weak layers, which were fun to look at and study, but scary to ski.  It was fun to be in the Tetons, but it's always nice to come back to Montana and I can't wait for the University trip this weekend.